Tim Berners Lee

Tim Berners Lee(Timbo) is a British computer scientist who invented the World Wide Web(WWW). 'Timbo' enabled a system to be able to view web pages i.e. hypertext documents via the internet. He serves as a director of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that overseas standards for the internet & world wide web! Berners-Lee is known for his concerns about issues relating to freedom of information & the censorship on the internet.

Timeline of Events

1955: Born to parents Conway Berners Lee and Mary Lee Woods in London England

1963 to 1973: Attended Emanual School at London

1973 to 1976: Graduated from the Queens College, Oxford University England where he received a 1st class degree in physics

1980: Contracted at CERN as a software consultant where he created the idea of sharing ideas quickly via a system called `Enquire`

1981: Commenced a new job in computer networking called John Pooles image computer systems

1984: Returned to CERN with a permanent position

1989: Tim noted he could join a company called CERN - the largest internet node in Europe

1991: First Website First website was built at CERN and put online on the 6th August.

1994: Became 1 of 6 members founding the `World Wide Web` aimed to improve the standards and allow anyone to be able to access the web freely.
Image of Tim Berners Lee

Web users ultimately want to get at data quickly and easily. They don't care as much about attractive sites and pretty design.

—Tim Berners Lee, W3C